• Tag anglais

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag anglais :
  • Sur Sterling Airlines (compagnie danoise), bon accent anglais du personnel. Sur KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (compagnie hollandaise), encore mieux. Et puis là est venu Air France, évidemment... « Éllo laydiz ènde djentlemane, maï nayme iz P***** ènde aïe am youre commandante offf ze airplayne...

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  • I've never heard about Austria. Of course, as historian, I know its history place. The Empire(s), Vienna, Mozart, Franz Ferdinand of Austria--and Hitler, if we want. But since, nothing. Anyway: Austria seems blocked between the strong Germany, the rich Swiss, the sexy Italy and the threaten...

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  • Dessin tiré de là.. Non, je ne rêve pas en anglais. C'est peut-être inquiétant, la rumeur indiquant qu'on maîtrise un langage lorsqu'on rêve avec. Jusque-là, je ne m'inquiétais pas. Mais pour la première fois depuis longtemps, je me suis souvenu d'un de mes rêves, cette semaine. Et il...

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  •   Today was a quite special day. The Big Boss of the department himself came to introduce the speaker of our weekly conference. He explained he was very glad to greet a diplomat, an official voice, kind of spokesman of a so important european country in this university. Then he described quickly...

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  • You cannot imagine the difficulty to stay concentrate during a whole course. Even if the subject is very interesting - today we were talking about « Italy in the European Union ». Linked to this subject, we found a solution with my italian neighbour to spend time... and test our knowledge in...

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  • Viborvej in the sunrise...     Again, there was a burglary in my residence few days ago. Young people were trying to destroy a window when someone saw them. It does not matter for me: I leave upstairs. Break my window is not a problem ; enter in my room is a bit more difficult without ladder or...

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  •     Before, Michal's blog was write in polish. Now it's in english. What's the difference? I can understand what he thinks, what he means, what he's. Polish is so difficult for me (I only know one sentence... but I can't write it here!). Understand more about Poland, and the differences he...

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